Silvery Diary

“CardioThe Heartbeat of a Healthy Lifestyle”

Let’s talk about Cardiovascular exercise today. The short form of Cardiovascular is Cardio.

Cardiovascular exercise” refers to all physical activities that increase your heart rate by almost 50% more than normal and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

It can be due to any activity. Any condition that increases your heart rate, such as cycling, jumping rope, swimming, running, jogging, dancing, etc., is cardio. All these activities increase the heart rate, meaning the heart is pumping more blood, thereby exercising the heart. Cardiovascular > Heart Exercise. If your heart rate is higher than normal, your heart is pumping more blood, which means it is exercising. It also exercises your lungs; when the heart rate increases, the heart pumps more blood, and you take in more oxygen through frequent breathing, thereby increasing lung capacity.

It depends on the duration and intensity. If you take it easy, your heart rate will not increase; you have to give your best effort.

I have heard a lot of people tell me not to do cardio, otherwise, the muscles will decrease. Whoever is giving this information is not providing the correct information. Let’s not know what the problem might be. If you do cardio every day, it is sweating with your heart, lungs, and brain exercises, which means you are burning calories. Suppose the 20-minute cardio burns 200 calories.

Your calorie burn comes from carbs and fat. So, when will you lose muscle? When your diet is low in protein, meaning you are not consuming enough protein, then the body targets muscle instead of fat. If you don’t consume enough protein, the body will burn energy from somewhere else. So, if you want to burn fat and maintain muscle, consume high protein. Provide as much protein as the body needs. Cardio doesn’t make you lose fat, curves, or muscle unless you’re consuming fewer calories.

Overall, cardio is beneficial for heart, lung, and brain health. We do cardio to keep our hearts young. People who engage in cardio have a younger heart and better brain function. Lung function also improves.

Because of increased blood flow. More blood flow in your body is beneficial for brain function, as blood travels from your feet to your head. The more blood travels through your body, the better your overall body function, including your mind. To improve brain function, engage in cardio along with a balanced diet to keep your heart and brain young.

Cardio exercise is great for everyone.

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